Saturday, December 11, 2010

New Site!

Hello Everyone-

Due to the problems I've been having with Tumblr - i.e. the server being down, it not saving my posts, long upload times, etc.. - I'm switching to Blogger.

This site will be the same as my Tumblr - food posts and other healthy living commentary, but I hope to develop it a bit more since Blogger has more options for customization and such.

So please add me to your reader of choice if you were once following me from my Tumblr. There are more great things to come - especially since I'm about to graduate and have free time to put into my blog :)

Thanks for stopping by and hope to "see" you around!

1 comment:

  1. I've unsubscribed to your tumblr and subscribed to this blog. I'm a tumblr user myself so a question (email if you prefer! Will you be able to import your old tumblr posts to this site? I was very frustrated by the tumblr outage, too, but don't want to loose my blogging history.
